Order of Service, October 20, 2024


Call to Worship- page 17 “I Sing Praises” transition into page 18 “Glorify Thy Name”

Welcome/Opening Prayer- Robert Straley

Announcements/Birthdays: Robert Straley

Birthdays: Tommy Reed, Cory Craft, David Current


Offertory-page 23 “Thou Art Worthy”


Prayer List- Robert Straley

Prayer Response in Song- “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”

Hymn-page 602 “My Savior First of All”

Hymn-page 603 “When We All Get to Heaven”

Message- “There’s Good News & Bad News” (the Gospel in Isaiah) by Dr. Cliff Sims

Scripture text: Isaiah 41-45

Invitation-page 433 “I Surrender All”

Closing Song “We Are One in the Bond of Love”

Deacon of the Month: Robert Straley