School Creek Baptist Church DRAFT 7 12 15 6:05 pm
11228 County Road 3420
Lampasas, TX 76550
Phone: 512:556-6054
School Creek Baptist Church was born September 1, 1879. It is well grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word “The Holy Bible”. Our roots run deep throughout the Spiritual and physical world. We are mission minded both physically (Volunteer work) and financially (Giving to numerous causes). We are a family of Christian brothers and sisters with a burning desire to help all people find Jesus.
School Creek Baptist Church is located in a rural setting approximately fourteen miles northeast of Lampasas, Texas. It is located on County Road 3420 near the intersection with Farm Road 2527, just west of the beautiful Lampasas River valley. Most church members are from rural areas near the church and surrounding communities including Lampasas, Kempner, Adamsville, Evant, Lometa, Gatesville and Copperas Cove. One may travel to the church on paved roads from several directions.
The church was organized in 1879 with the congregation meeting in nearby private homes and public school buildings until the first permanent structure was built in 1900 identified as the Sanctuary at a cost of $940.89 .
There are four buildings on the church property. From newest to oldest they are: The main building built in 2004 is used for Sunday Worship service containing upholstered chairs seating for 200 . The building includes a Baptistery, rooms for Sunday School, a Nursery, a fully equipped kitchen, restrooms and storage. A Parsonage was built in 1947 containing three bedrooms and two baths that is currently leased to a private family. The Education Building was originally built in 1920 as an open air Tabernacle and was enclosed and remodeled in 1956 to include a Prayer Room, Church Office, meeting room, kitchen, and Adult Sunday School classroom. The original Sanctuary was built in 1900 and is used by the Youth for Sunday School. The Church Library is also included in this building. The worship area remains original and is used for special occasions and small group Bible Study programs.
School Creek Baptist Church is located in eastern Lampasas County near School Creek and the Lampasas River. School Creek Baptist is a country church located approximately sixteen miles northeast of Lampasas, eighteen miles north of Kempner, and eight miles south of the little town if Adamsville. The church is located on County Road 3420, one fourth mile west of Farm Market Road 2527.
The majority of our members are middle-class. School Creek Baptist Church is located in a farming and ranching community. In the past twenty-five years, the community has become more diversified. Many people have moved into the community to retire; some of these simply like the country atmosphere. Military personnel, Fort Hood civilian workers, school teachers in our local schools in Lampasas, Copperas Dove and Killeen, and people of various other occupations make up our church congregation. People drive to the church from neighboring towns of Lampasas and Kempner, driving from eighteen to twenty miles. More than fifty percent of our members are over fifty years old.
The membership of School Creek Baptist Church is diversified in age from infants to Senior adults including families with infants, young children and teenagers, adults with college age children and young adult children, and senior adults with grandchildren. The average Sunday morning Worship attendance is 80. The average Sunday School attendance is 45. The music program is led by a very competent skilled director and the choir is an exceptionally strong integral part of worship each Sunday. Many members are consistently active supporting mission programs in Lampasas. The Youth program includes summer ministry programs to homeless individuals in Austin, Texas. Vacation Bible School is one of the more powerful influences in Lampasas County with average attendance of 60. The history of the church is being preserved and an active church library is part of the ministry for members to enjoy. Members seek to preserve a caring community of believers to encourage each other and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Evening Bible Study
Wednesday Evening Choir Practice
Dinner on the Grounds once a month
Music Director
Church Clerk
Church Treasurer
Deacons (7 Active Members)
Nursery Worker
Michael McKinney on 10-31-2021 at 7:49 AM
What do yall think
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